The EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) aims to protect and give individuals more control over how their personal data are used by organizations, a view of the value of integrity that we at Pixelgen Technologies AB, 559270-2574 (“Pixelgen”, “Us”, “Our”, “We”) share.

We are fully committed to protect Your individual rights and keep Your personal data safe. In this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) We transparently disclose to You how and why we collect and process Your personal data when You visit and use our website, as well as how You are able to exercise Your rights granted to You under the GDPR.

When We use the term “You” We mean You as a user of Our website,, and Our service features.

What is “Personal Data”?

Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living physical person, i.e. information which could be used to personally identify You (“Personal Data”).



What categories of Personal Data are collected, and how is Your data collected?

Some of the Personal Data are collected when You provide it to us by entering it to Our contact form. The categories include Your full name, e-mail address, company name as well as Your area of interest. The providing of Your Personal Data in Our contact form is fully optional, but required in order for us to provide You with further information regarding Our services.

In addition to the Personal Data provided by You by using Our contact form, We might also collect Personal Data provided by You depending on how You communicate with Us. Such Personal Data categories could include postal address, e-mail address, e-mail correspondence and Your phone number.

Other Personal Data are collected automatically by Our IT systems as soon as You visit Our website. Such Personal Data are primarily technical data such as the browser and operating system You are using when You access Our website. For further information, please see Our Cookie Policy.

Why do We need Your Personal Data, and what is Our lawful ground?

In order for Us to provide You with Our services, We need to get in contact with You. Therefore, the Personal Data provided by You in Our contact form, or otherwise provided to Us by Your choice of communication, is only used to provide such services.

The lawful ground for Us to process the Personal Data provided by You to Us is Your consent, and that the processing is required in order for Us to provide You with Our services. For further information on how to withdrawal Your consent, please see the section “Withdrawal of Your consent to the processing of Your Personal Data” below.

The Personal Data that are collected automatically by Our IT systems, are collected to ensure the proper functioning of Our website, as well as to improve Your user experience. This is done by analyzing how You use Our website and happens primarily by using cookies and analytics.

The lawful ground for Our processing of Your Personal Data collected automatically by Our IT systems is weighing of interests, since the processing is required in order for Us to ensure proper functions of Our website, as well as to improve Your user experience. For further information on Our usage of cookies for analytical purposes, as well as on how You can object to such analysis, please see Our Cookie Policy.



Right of access, rectification and erasure

You will always have the right to request information about Your Personal Data that We store. This includes information about the purpose of the collection of the Personal Data, to whom the Personal Data have been or will be disclosed, and the source of the collected Personal Data. A request for such information is free of charge and You can contact Us at any time to make such a request.

You also have the right to request Your Personal Data to be (i) rectified (corrected), (ii) limited in processing, or (iii) deleted. You can contact Us at any time to make such a request, or with any other question about Our privacy and data protection. You will also always have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. For further information, please see section “Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority” below.

Withdrawal of Your consent to the processing of Your Personal Data

When You provide Your Personal Data to Us, You give Us Your consent to process such Personal Data. However, You may withdraw Your consent at any time with future effect. Such a request can be done by an e-mail to Your withdrawal of consent shall however not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent before Your withdrawal.

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

You may, at all times, lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if You experience a breach of data protection legislation. The supervisory authority for matters related to data protection in Sweden is the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (Sw. Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten) and they can be contacted at

Right to data portability

In order for you to obtain and reuse Your Personal Data that you have provided Us with, You have the right to have Your Personal Data automatically delivered to Yourself or to a third party in a standard, machine-readable format. A request for direct transfer of Your Personal Data to a third party will, however, only be done to the extent that is technically feasible.

Data protection and the period for which the Personal Data will be stored

For Us, the confidentiality of Your Personal Data is of the utmost importance and we treat Your Personal Data in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Privacy Policy.

Therefore, Pixelgen’s website uses TLS encryption for security reasons and for the protection of the transmission of confidential content. You can control the validity of the encrypted connection in your browser’s address line by the “https://” extension and the lock icon that is displayed in your browser’s address bar. By using an activated TSL encryption, the Personal Data transferred by You to Us cannot be read by third parties.

The Personal Data provided by You is retained only for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which it is processed. If, however, the storage of Your Personal Data is of public interest or for reasons of scientific or historical research, appropriate technical and organizational measures, anonymization, encryption, etc., will be put in place.


Contact Information

If You have any questions and/or concern about privacy at Pixelgen, please contact Us at:

Pixelgen Technologies AB
Hagaplan 4
1113 68 Stockholm

Pixelgen Technologies

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